Access Keys:

St Mary's Primary School Banbridge


May 2022 July 2022
Wednesday, 1st June 2022
School Closed
Thursday, 2nd June 2022
School Closed
Friday, 3rd June 2022
School Closed
Monday, 6th June 2022
School Open
Tuesday, 14th June 2022
Gaelic Blitz-P5 to P7 boys and girls (Clann na Banna - 10.00am - 2.00pm)
Thursday, 16th June 2022
Shared Education- Colour Run
Friday, 17th June 2022
St Mary's World Cup
Tuesday, 21st June 2022
St Mary's World Cup (Cheney Park 10.00am-2.00pm)
Friday, 24th June 2022
Leavers' Disco (P1to P4 - 6.30pm to 7.30pm P5 to P7- 7.45pm to 9.00pm)
Leavers' Assembly (10.30am in the school hall)
Wednesday, 29th June 2022
School Closes 11.15am