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St Mary's Primary School Banbridge

Anti - Bullying Week

27th Nov 2015
Anti - Bullying Week

During anti - bullying week 16th - 20th November our children had the opportunity to complete a poster, story or movie. Our children have sent out a clear message that bullying is not allowed in our school by producing wonderful artwork and completing movie making messages.  We held an anti - bullying assembly today and the winners of each key stage were announced.  In Foundation Stage Maddie, Aoife and Ellie were successful winners. Mia, Lily and Cliodhna were successful in Key Stage One.  Key Stage Two winners were Sinead, Gemma and Amy.  The overall winners consisted of a team of P7 boys who produced a movie which combined star wars and bullying.  The message was to join the 'force' against bullying.  Well done to all the children who took part in the competition, their work was beautiful. 


Thank You


Mr Mackle