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St Mary's Primary School Banbridge

P5 Habitat Walk and Mandala Art

9th Jun 2021

Mr Mackle's Primary 5 class have been busy this week exploring their topic 'Habitats.' On Monday the boys and girls went for a nature walk in our community down by the leisure centre. This experience allowed our children to acknowledge how important Habitats are and why. The 'River Walk' offered children an opportunity to see why trees, woodland and rivers offer animals and insects so much. It was a brilliant experience and in groups children were able to capture images of trees, squirrels, insects, birds and beehives. The children were then asked to gather some sticks, leaves and buttercups/daisies to help with a digital art activity in the afternoon. 

In the afternoon the class had a zoom call from the AMMA centre and they had a tutorial on HOW TO create a 'Mandala Art' piece. The materials they gathered in the morning sessions were then used to create a piece of art. With this piece of art children also had the opportunity to use digital apps such as Amaziograph and KaleidaCam. 

The children really responded positively to this active learning approach and as you can see some of the art pieces are excellent. Well done Primary 5!