Welcome to our Learning Support Classes and Autism Specific Class.

Welcome to our Learning Support Classes and Autism Specific Class.
St Mary’s has a vibrant SEN community with three specialist provision classes; two Specialist Provision for Learning Classes (SPL) and one Specialist Provision Social and Communication/Autism (SPSC). Each class has a specialist SEN teacher and experienced SEN assistant/s.
Children attending our specialist provision classes require a Statement of Special Educational Need. Children attending our ASC require a HSC diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
We are governed by the Education Authority and children are placed within our specialist provision classes by the Education Authority.
All specialist classes are resourced to meet the educational and social, emotional, behavioural and well being needs of the children. Our SPL and SPSC class have a sensory room attached. Children follow the primary school curriculum which may also be adapted and differentiated to suit their learning styles and abilities. The pupil/ teacher ratio is small, allowing for small group teaching and learning experiences.
The SEN staff have developed valuable partnerships and friendships with external agencies and professionals who support the school, the SEN children and parents. We liaise with EA support services e.g., Autism Advisory and Intervention Service and HSC therapies such as Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists. Speech and Language Therapist visits weekly to deliver programmes of support for specific children.
Inclusion and integration with mainstream classes is at the heart of our school SEN ethos. We recognise that our SEN children must feel included and part of the whole school community. We have robust integration opportunities for SEN children who are able to integrate. They join mainstream classes for morning inclusion, breaktime and lunchtime, PE, religion, school assemblies and plays, swimming, sports days, outside trips etc.
If you have a child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs and would like to discuss our specialist classes, please contact the school.
St Mary's Primary School, Reilly Street, Banbridge, Co Down BT32 3DJ | T: 028 4066 2572 | E: info@stmarys.banbridge.ni.sch.uk